Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Well, I've moved. It's a nice apartment, and I've got pretty good furniture in it. There were a few unpleasant surprises - the wall jack I was planning to hook a TV up to turns out to be antenna-only, no cable, and the train is close enough to hear toot... but not *right* nearby like most of the other places I looked. But, on the plus side, I was able to get my cable internet hooked up already, and have my primary computers networked.

I start with my new job on Monday. It should be a good place to be; the pay is good, they're very clearly focused on keeping employees happy, and they're very successful. It's just a bit unsettling, of course - big change, new direction in life, cliche, cliche, cliche. But still all true.

Our cat is going to be absolutely lost for a while. She liked to lay down next to me in the evenings when I was on the computer - as I inevitably was. She liked the hum of the fans, the shifting screen, the click of the keys, and the easy access to petting via sticking her head over the keyboard until I obliged or pushed her back. At least, those are my suppositions. She's never been very communicative.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


So now I'm in the early stages of the moving process. An apartment is in the process of being rented, we're going to get a U-Haul to carry stuff down, and I'd better get cracking on bringing down my still-packed stuff from moving back here last May. It's not too bad - just a lot of boxes of books.

Anyone who knows me knows what the decor for my new apartment will be. Shelves on all spaces not otherwise occupied. Books-a-plenty. And I'll once again sit down and get them all sorted into proper order. It sounds boring, I know, but there's just something pleasing about having them all in their proper order - for the first time since moving in down in Baltimore.