Sporadic, Ain't I?
Well, it's been quite a while since I posted - almost a year, in fact. And since I haven't linked anyone to this place, I'm quite unsurprised it's gone unread. But here's my update, anyhow.
Governor Lynch remains the most popular politician in New Hampshire by a long degree, with positive approval ratings even among avowed conservatives; notably, his ratings leapt up and stayed there after he appointed Kelly Ayotte to be Attorney General, which in a single stroke nullified the anti-choicers (because she would appeal an anti-choice law up to the Supreme Court), while his public reasoning didn't cost him pro-choice support (because no one else could have been approved by the Executive Council, and because she's been competent and honest at the job so far) and won him more moderate credentials (by pointing out that one disagreement didn't disqualify her).
And of course the fact that he's been able to stand back and let the Republican legislators assault each other didn't hurt, nor his quick and effective response to the flooding emergency so soon after Katrina left everyone thinking a lot about disaster recovery. I'm not expecting to be back in New Hampshire this year (unless the economy *really* melts down or something), so I made a cash contribution in place of going back to work for the next campaign. He's not facing any serious opposition yet anyhow, as so far every prominent Republican leader in the state has been unenthusiastic about going up against him and his 70% approval.
I've also made a donation to Jon Tester, who's running for Senate in Montana - I guess I just like getting in early for these guys who run underdog campaigns against well-financed but ethically-challenged opponents, huh? Tester's opponent, one Conrad Burns, is toupee-deep in the ongoing Jack Abramoff criminal-lobbyist scandal, and right now Montana is looking like a top-tier pickup opportunity. Tester is competing in the primary against a guy who's more connected to the Washington set than to Montana, so I'm favoring him.
Work is going pretty well. The ethics code is being revised, and there's some new stuff about political contributions in it - but on clarification, I'm safe with any of the candidates I'm likely to get interested in. Good people, intelligent and good-faith management, amazingly successful company, all of that stuff keeping me happy with it - and if there were something I wasn't happy with, I actually have the rare situation of being fairly confident that I could bring it up and have it addressed, so don't expect to see much negativity showing up here about work. Plus the whole nondisparagement clause, so even if I *wasn't* pleased with something I wouldn't be posting it on the Internet anyhow.
On a sadder note, our cat, after a long and mostly active life, died. I don't really care to go into more detail.